Cumbrescoon's PPeachSundae

Geboren: 31.01.2015

Eltern Großeltern Urgroßeltern Ururgroßeltern

Canaletto's Cobbosseecontee

blackmackerel / white
geb.: 20.05.2013

Canaletto's YankeePride
red tabby mackerel

Gr.Int.Ch. Guldfakses Spottet Jack Rabbit
black tabby spotted / white

Maine Plays Wonder Boy
black tabby blotched / white
WW Guldfakses Wilma Mankiller
tortie tabby mackerel
Ch./CH/Supr.Ch Canaletto's ZuniTrail

Int.Ch. MagicLake's Vulcan of Canalettos
CH. Witchwood Batida of Canalettos
red silver tabby mackerel / white
Canaletto's VermontMaple'n'Marble

tortie tabby blotched / white Bicolour

Gruenholder's Hannibal
red silver tabby blotched / white

Felix v.Grünholder
black silver tabby ticked / white
Canaletto's AppalachianSpring
tortie tabby blotched
Int.Ch. Athenaberceau Bluelle of Canaletto's
black silver tabby blotched / white

Ch./Supr.Ch Canaletto's YankeeDoodleDandy DVM
black silver tabby blotched / white
Athena Bey Marillion
tortie tabby blotched

Coonplay P River Lights

geb. 15.11.2010

Coonplay Lucky P Shamrock

MCO ds 09 23,

Avistacats Lestat Deux of Coonplay,
MCO ns 09 23
Blazers Falcon,
MCO ns 23
Marala Snow White,
MCO ns 11
Kumskaka Missing Peace P of CoonPlay,
MCO g 09 23
Wackymoon Coon Cross Words,
MCO ds 09
Kumskaka Know The Passion P, MCO a
Coonplay P Isis Angel

MCO w 61,

Dances with Wolves Washington,
MCO n 22
Coonplay P Sri Lanka, MCO w 62
Niwot Thor Thunder Paws of Coonplay,
MCO n 09 23
Mainelypaws P Gwenevier of Coonplay,
MCO w 64